Dipterocarpus baudii (PROSEA)

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Plant Resources of South-East Asia
List of species

Dipterocarpus baudii Korth.

Protologue: Temminck, Verh. Natuurl. Gesch. Ned. Overz. Bez., Botanie, Kruidk.: 59, t. 5 (1841).


  • Dipterocarpus duperreana Pierre (1886),
  • Dipterocarpus scortechinii King (1893),
  • Dipterocarpus pilosus auct. non Roxb. p.p.

Vernacular names

  • Indonesia: lagan sanduk, mara keluang (Sumatra)
  • Malaysia: keruing bulu, keruing dadeh, damar minyak (Peninsular)
  • Burma: kanyin wettaung, kahke
  • Thailand: yang-khon (general), yang-mot-khan, yung-daeng (peninsular)
  • Vietnam: dầu lông, dầu bao di.


Southern Burma, south-eastern and peninsular Thailand, southern Vietnam, Peninsular Malaysia and Sumatra.


The timber is used as keruing. The wood yields an oleo-resin which is collected only locally and is used for caulking boats and illumination.


  • A medium-sized tree of up to 30 m tall, bole branchless for up to 20 m, up to 64 cm in diameter, bark surface grey, diffusely lenticellate; buds lanceolate, tufted rufous tomentose.
  • Leaves more or less elliptical, 17-32 cm × 8-17 cm, base narrowly obtuse, acumen to 2 cm long, secondary veins 14-28 pairs, lower surface shortly tufted rufous tomentose, petiole 3-5 cm long, stipules lorate-lanceolate, fulvous stellate-tomentose; stamens 30.
  • Fruit calyx tube globose, smooth, glabrescent, 2 larger fruit calyx lobes up to 18 cm × 3 cm, 3 shorter ones to 2 cm × 1 cm.

D. baudii occurs rather rare and scattered in low-lying, well-drained or semi-swampy forests or on low hills up to 800 m altitude. The density of the wood is 610-800 kg/m3at 15% moisture content. A natural hybrid between D. baudii and D. grandiflorus has been observed in Burma. See also the table on wood properties.

Selected sources

140, 235, 297, 417, 514, 628, 677, 748.

Main genus page


  • T. Smitinand (selection of species),
  • C. Phengklai (selection of species),
  • L.E. Groen (selection of species)