Diospyros montana
From PlantUse English
Popular Names
- Sanskrit: tumala (Wealth of India)
- Hindi: bistendu, tendu (Wealth of India)
- Bengali: bangab (Wealth of India)
- Marathi: goindu, timru (Wealth of India)
- Gujarati: timbarao (Wealth of India)
- Telugu: eddayagata, gatugata (Wealth of India)
- Tamil: vakkanai, vakkanatan (Wealth of India)
- Kannada: jagalaganti, balagunike (Wealth of India)
- Uriya: bhodrika (Wealth of India)
- Punjab: hirek, kendu (Wealth of India)
- Madhya Pradesh: kadal, kanchau (Wealth of India)
- Indonesia: bidara gunung (Java), morotoalah (Sumba), morotombo (Sulawesi) (PROSEA)
- Malaysia: mentua pungsu (peninsular) (PROSEA)
- Philippines: antinagam (Ilocos Norte), kamagong bundok, kamagong liitan (Filipino) (PROSEA)
- Burma: gyok tawbut (PROSEA)
- Thailand: tan dam, thanfaiphi (PROSEA)
Classification and nomenclature
- Diospyros cordifolia Roxb. (1795)
- Diospyros diversilimba Merr. & Chun (1935)
- Diospyros calcarea Fletcher (1937)
Main uses
- wood: ebony (PROSEA); "wood greyish tinged with yellow or brown, streaked with narrow darker bands. Does not yield any black heartwood" (Wealth of India)
- fruit edible (PROSEA); "bitter with an unpleasnat odour" (Wealth of India)
- leaves: fodder
Main references
- PROSEA 5(2), 1995. Plant resources of South-East Asia. vol. 5(2). Timber trees : minor commercial timbers. ed. by R.H.M.J. Lemmens, I. Soerianegara & W.C. Wong. Leiden/Wageningen, Backhuys/PROSEA. (Bogor, PROSEA, 1995). 655 p.
- Wealth of India (The), 1952. A dictionary of Indian raw materials and industrial products. Vol. 3. Raw materials : D-E. New-Delhi, Council of scientific and industrial research. XX-236-XXX p., 22 pl., index vol. 1-3.