Diospyros melanoxylon
From PlantUse English
Popular Names
- English: Coromandel ebony (Wealth of India)
- Sanskrit: dirghapatraka (Wealth of India)
- Hindi: tendu, timburni (Wealth of India)
- Marathi: tendu, tumri (Wealth of India)
- Gujarati: tamrug (Wealth of India)
- Telugu: mancigata, nallatumki, tumki (Wealth of India)
- Tamil: karai, karundumbi, tumbi (Wealth of India)
- Kannada: abanasi, bale, tumari (Wealth of India)
- Malayalam: kari (Wealth of India)
- Uriya: kendu (Wealth of India)
Classification and nomenclature
- Diospyros tupru Buch.-Ham. (1827)
Main uses
- wood: heartwood used as ebony, black, often streaked with purple or brown bands; sapwood a good timber; wood a good fuelwood
- fruit edible
- leaves, flowers and bark medicinal
- leaves: "higly esteemed for wrapping bidis. Their flavour, flexibility and resistance to decay are properties which are particularly valued for this use. Coppice shoots produce fine wrapper leaves and are plucked when freshly expanded. Leaves from Himachal Pradesh are preferred in the trade (Jagdamba Prasad, Indian For. Leafl., n° 60, 1944) (Wealth of India)
Main references
Wealth of India (The), 1952. A dictionary of Indian raw materials and industrial products. Vol. 3. Raw materials : D-E. New-Delhi, Council of scientific and industrial research. XX-236-XXX p., 22 pl., index vol. 1-3.