Diospyros exsculpta
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Popular Names
- English: Nepal ebony (Wealth of India)
- Hindi: tendu, kendu, temru (Wealth of India)
- Bengali: kend, kyon (Wealth of India)
- Telugu: cittatumiki, mancitumiki, tumiki (Wealth of India)
- Tamil: tumbi (Wealth of India)
- Kannada: timburani, tumari, tindura (Wealth of India)
- Uriya: kendu (Wealth of India)
- Punjab: tendu, kinnu (Wealth of India)
- Madhya Pradesh: tumri, tumki (Wealth of India)
Classification and nomenclature
- Diospyros tomentosa Roxb. (1832)
Main uses
- wood: ebony. "It is the black ebony of North India" (Wealth of India)
- fruit edible
- leaves: used for wrapping bidis
Main references
Wealth of India (The), 1952. A dictionary of Indian raw materials and industrial products. Vol. 3. Raw materials : D-E. New-Delhi, Council of scientific and industrial research. XX-236-XXX p., 22 pl., index vol. 1-3. (as Diospyros tomentosa)