Dicliptera papuana (PROSEA)

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Plant Resources of South-East Asia
List of species

Dicliptera papuana Warburg

Family: Acanthaceae

Vernacular names

  • Papua New Guinea: em (Pidgin).


Papua New Guinea.


Young shoots are eaten raw with pork, but it is not in common use.


  • Herb, up to 50 cm tall, much branched and often with angular stem.
  • Leaves green, slightly scabrous above, minutely pubescent below; petiole 2-4 cm long; leaf-blade ovate, 4-8 cm × 2.5-5 cm, with about 6 major veins.

In mountain vegetation, above 1000 m altitude. Sometimes planted in gardens, propagated from cuttings.

Selected sources

29, 93.