Daemonorops ruptilis (PROSEA)

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Plant Resources of South-East Asia
List of species

Daemonorops ruptilis Becc.

Family: Palmae

Vernacular names

  • Malaysia: wi dudok (var. acaulescens ) (Iban, Sarawak).


Borneo. Endemic species.


The ripe fruits are eaten.


A clustering, robust rattan. Two varieties are recognized: var. ruptilis is a massive clustering variety with stems to 20 m tall, var. acaulescens J. Dransf. is stemless and ecirrate. The former is widespread in Brunei and Sabah; var. acaulescens occurs in Sabah, Brunei and Sarawak. Locally common in lowland forest.

Selected sources

18, 20, 21, 43, 44.