From PlantUse English
The first families documented are Cruciferae, Gramineae and Leguminosae. If you want to create a new genus page, ask the administrator. A bot will do that, copy the page structure and add automatic links. The page can then be cleaned and edited. Have a look to the French version, as it probably already includes data.
Pages in category "Genus"
The following 500 pages are in this category, out of 5,800 total.
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- Aaronsohnia
- Abarema
- Abelia
- Abelmoschus
- Abies
- Abildgaardia
- Abobra
- Abrahamia
- Abroma
- Abronia
- Abrus
- Abuta
- Abutilon
- Acacia
- Acaciella
- Acaena
- Acalypha
- Acampe
- Acamptopappus
- Acanthocereus
- Acantholimon
- Acanthopale
- Acanthophoenix
- Acanthophora
- Acanthophyllum
- Acanthosicyos
- Acanthospermum
- Acanthostyles
- Acanthosyris
- Acanthus
- Acca
- Acer
- Aceratium
- Acetabularia
- Achillea
- Achimenes
- Achlys
- Achnatherum
- Achyranthes
- Achyrocline
- Achyropsis
- Achyrospermum
- Acidoton
- Acioa
- Aciphylla
- Acmella
- Acmena
- Acnistus
- Acoelorrhaphe
- Acokanthera
- Aconitum
- Acorus
- Acosmium
- Acourtia
- Acrachne
- Acridocarpus
- Acriopsis
- Acritochaete
- Acriulus
- Acrocarpus
- Acroceras
- Acrocomia
- Acronychia
- Acrostichum
- Acrotome
- Acrotrema
- Acrotriche
- Actaea
- Actephila
- Actinea
- Actinidia
- Actiniopteris
- Actinodaphne
- Actinorhytis
- Actinoscirpus
- Adansonia
- Adelia
- Adenanthera
- Adenia
- Adenium
- Adenocarpus
- Adenocaulon
- Adenodolichos
- Adenophora
- Adenopodia
- Adenorandia
- Adenosma
- Adenostemma
- Adenostoma
- Adesmia
- Adhatoda
- Adiantum
- Adina
- Adinandra
- Adinauclea
- Adonidia
- Adonis
- Adoxa
- Aechmea
- Aedesia
- Aegialites
- Aegialitis
- Aegiceras
- Aegilops
- Aeginetia
- Aegiphila
- Aegle
- Aeglopsis
- Aegopodium
- Aellenia
- Aeluropus
- Aeollanthus
- Aeonium
- Aerangis
- Aeranthes
- Aerides
- Aerva
- Aeschynanthus
- Aeschynomene
- Aesculus
- Aetheorhiza
- Aethusa
- Aextoxicon
- Afgekia
- Afraegle
- Aframomum
- Afrobrunnichia
- Afrocanthium
- Afrocarpus
- Afrolicania
- Afrostyrax
- Afrotrilepis
- Afzelia
- Agalinis
- Aganope
- Aganosma
- Agapanthus
- Agapetes
- Agaricus
- Agarista
- Agastache
- Agasthiyamalaia
- Agathis
- Agathisanthemum
- Agathophora
- Agathosma
- Agauria
- Agave
- Agelaea
- Agelanthus
- Ageratina
- Ageratum
- Aglaia
- Aglaonema
- Agonandra
- Agonis
- Agoseris
- Agrimonia
- Agriophyllum
- Agrocharis
- Agropyron
- Agrostemma
- Agrostis
- Agrostistachys
- Aichryson
- Aidia
- Ailanthus
- Aiouea
- Aiphanes
- Aira
- Airyantha
- Aizoanthemopsis
- Aizoon
- Ajania
- Ajuga
- Akebia
- Alafia
- Alangium
- Alantsilodendron
- Alaria
- Albertisia
- Albizia
- Albuca
- Alcea
- Alchemilla
- Alchornea
- Aldina
- Alectoria
- Alectra
- Alectryon
- Alepidea
- Aletes
- Aletris
- Aleurites
- Alexa
- Alhagi
- Alibertia
- Alisma
- Alistilus
- Alkanna
- Allagoptera
- Allamanda
- Allanblackia
- Allantodia
- Allantoma
- Allardia
- Allenrolfea
- Allexis
- Alliaria
- Allionia
- Allium
- Allmania
- Allocasuarina
- Allomorphia
- Allophylus
- Alloteropsis
- Alloxylon
- Alluaudia
- Alniphyllum
- Alnus
- Alocasia
- Aloe
- Alonsoa
- Alopecurus
- Aloysia
- Alphitonia
- Alphonsea
- Alpinia
- Alseis
- Alseodaphne
- Alsidium
- Alsodeiopsis
- Alsophila
- Alstonia
- Alstroemeria
- Alternanthera
- Althaea
- Altingia
- Alvesia
- Alyogyne
- Alysicarpus
- Alyssum
- Alyxia
- Amaioua
- Amanita
- Amanoa
- Amansia
- Amaranthus
- Amaryllis
- Ambassa
- Ambavia
- Ambelania
- Amberboa
- Amblygonocarpus
- Ambrosia
- Amburana
- Amelanchier
- Amelichloa
- Amherstia
- Amianthium
- Amischotolype
- Ammandra
- Ammannia
- Ammi
- Ammobium
- Ammocharis
- Ammodaucus
- Ammodendron
- Ammoides
- Ammophila
- Ammothamnus
- Amomum
- Amoreuxia
- Amorimia
- Amorpha
- Amorphophallus
- Ampelocalamus
- Ampelocissus
- Ampelodesmos
- Ampelopsis
- Ampelopteris
- Ampelozizyphus
- Amphiachyris
- Amphiblemma
- Amphicarpaea
- Amphicarpum
- Amphimas
- Amphineuron
- Amphipterygium
- Amphitecna
- Amsinckia
- Amsonia
- Amydrium
- Amyris
- Anabaena
- Anabasis
- Anacampseros
- Anacamptis
- Anacardium
- Anacolosa
- Anacyclus
- Anadelphia
- Anadenanthera
- Anadendrum
- Anagallis
- Anagyris
- Anamirta
- Ananas
- Anaphalis
- Anaphyllopsis
- Anastatica
- Anaxagorea
- Anchomanes
- Anchusa
- Ancistrachne
- Ancistrocarpus
- Ancistrocladus
- Ancistrorhynchus
- Ancylanthos
- Ancylobotrys
- Andira
- Andrachne
- Andradea
- Androcymbium
- Andrographis
- Andromeda
- Andropogon
- Androsace
- Androsiphonia
- Androstachys
- Andryala
- Aneilema
- Anemarrhena
- Anemia
- Anemone
- Anemopaegma
- Anemopsis
- Anethum
- Aneulophus
- Angadenia
- Angelica
- Angelonia
- Angiopteris
- Angolaea
- Angophora
- Angostura
- Angraecum
- Angylocalyx
- Aniba
- Anigozanthos
- Aniseia
- Anisochilus
- Anisocycla
- Anisodontea
- Anisomeles
- Anisopappus
- Anisophyllea
- Anisoptera
- Anisosepalum
- Anisotes
- Anneslea
- Annickia
- Annona
- Anoda
- Anodendron
- Anoectochilus
- Anogeissus
- Anomianthus
- Anomospermum
- Anonidium
- Anopyxis
- Anredera
- Ansellia
- Antennaria
- Anthemis
- Anthenantia
- Anthephora
- Anthericum
- Antherotoma
- Anthocarapa
- Anthocephalus
- Anthocleista
- Anthonotha
- Anthospermum
- Anthostema
- Anthoxanthum
- Anthriscus
- Anthurium
- Anthyllis
- Antiaris
- Anticharis
- Antidesma
- Antigonon
- Antiphiona
- Antirhea
- Antirrhinum
- Antitrichia
- Antizoma
- Antonia
- Antopetitia
- Antrocaryon
- Anubias
- Anvillea
- Aoranthe
- Aparisthmium
- Apeiba
- Apera
- Aphanamixis
- Aphananthe
- Aphandra
- Aphania
- Aphanisma
- Aphanizomenon
- Aphanocalyx
- Aphanothece
- Aphelandra
- Aphloia
- Aphyllanthes
- Apiastrum
- Apios
- Apium
- Aplectrum
- Apluda
- Apocynum
- Apodasmia
- Apodocephala
- Apodostigma
- Apodytes
- Aponogeton
- Aporocactus
- Aporosa
- Aporrhiza
- Apostasia
- Aptandra
- Aptenia
- Apteranthes
- Aptosimum
- Apuleia
- Aquilaria
- Aquilegia
- Arabidopsis
- Arabis
- Arachis
- Arachnis
- Aralia
- Aralidium
- Arapatiella
- Araucaria
- Araujia
- Arbutus
- Arcangelisia
- Arceuthobium
- Archidendron
- Archontophoenix
- Arctagrostis
- Arctium
- Arctopus
- Arctostaphylos
- Arctotheca
- Arctotis
- Ardisia
- Ardisiandra
- Areca
- Arenaria
- Arenga
- Argania
- Argemone
- Argentina
- Argocoffeopsis
- Argomuellera
- Argostemma
- Argusia
- Argyranthemum
- Argyreia
- Argyrochosma
- Argyrolobium
- Arillastrum
- Ariocarpus
- Arisaema
- Arisarum
- Aristea
- Aristida
- Aristolochia
- Aristotelia
- Armeria
- Armillaria
- Armoracia
- Arnebia
- Arnica
- Arnoglossum
- Arnoseris
- Aronia
- Arrabidaea
- Arracacia
- Arrhenatherum
- Artabotrys
- Artanema
- Artemisia
- Arthraerua
- Arthraxon