Calamus unifarius (PROSEA)

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Plant Resources of South-East Asia
List of species

Calamus unifarius H. Wendl.

Family: Palmae

Vernacular names

  • Indonesia: wai sideken (western Sumatra), rotan patis (western Java), rotan wuluh (eastern Java). "Rotan cacing"is probably a wrongly applied name since this name is usually given to smalldiameter canes such as C. heteroideus Bl., C. melanoloma Mart. and C. viminalis Willd.


Sumatra and Java.


The cane is used only locally for furniture.


Clustering, rather robust rattan, to 10 m tall. Stem with leafsheaths 3035 mm in diameter. Leaf cirrate; cirrus about 90 cm long. Found in primary or secondary dipterocarp forest from 100800 m altitude.

Selected sources

1, 4.