Calamus symphysipus (PROSEA)

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Plant Resources of South-East Asia
List of species

Calamus symphysipus Becc.

Family: Palmae

Vernacular names

  • Indonesia: rotan ombol (Sulawesi), laru (central Sulawesi), pondos embel (northern Sulawesi), uwe sangkayukayu (southern Sulawesi)
  • Philippines: palanog (Luzon).


Sulawesi, Luzon, Mindanao.


The cane is used for making furniture. In Indonesia it is priced the same as "rotan tohiti"(see under C. inops ) of the same size grade (1019 mm). Other rattans of this grade are "rotan lambang"( C. ornatus Bl. var. celebicus Becc.), "rotan sabutan"( Daemonorops robusta Warb.) and "tarumpu"( Calamus sp.).


A solitary rattan. Stem to 40 m long, without leafsheaths 1019 mm in diameter, with sheaths 2340 mm in diameter; with stilt roots of 10 cm long. Leaves ecirrate to 1.75 m long; leafsheaths dark green with whorls of yellowishgreen spines; knee conspicuous; flagellum to 8 m long; leaflets brownish underneath. Found on steep slopes in lowland forest up to 500 m altitude.

Selected sources
