Calamus longisetus (PROSEA)
From PlantUse English
Introduction |
Calamus longisetus Griff.
- Family: Palmae
Vernacular names
- Burma: leme
- Thailand: waikamphuan.
Bangladesh, Burma, Thailand, northern Peninsular Malaysia, Andaman and Nicobar Islands.
Rather coarse cane, harvested in Thailand for the furniture industry. Leaves used for thatch and the fruit is eaten in the Andaman Islands.
Very robust clustering, erect to highclimbing rattan, with stems reaching about 1015 m tall. Stem without leafsheaths 2550 mm in diameter, with sheaths 80100 mm in diameter. Leaf with clustered leaflets; leafsheaths very densely armed with black spines with pale yellow bases; flagellate. Occurring in dry evergreen to monsoonal forest at altitudes up to 300 m.
Selected sources
4, 33, 34.