Calamus insignis (PROSEA)

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Plant Resources of South-East Asia
List of species

Calamus insignis Becc.

Family: Palmae

Vernacular names

  • Malaysia: rotan batu
  • Thailand: waihin.


Sumatra, Peninsular Malaysia, Singapore and Thailand.


Split canes are used in making fine basketware. Also used for cordage by the Temuan of Peninsular Malaysia. The spiny leafsheaths have been used for grating tapioca and rubbing the seeds off maize cobs.


A clustering, highclimbing rattan, with slender stem, diameter to 7 mm without leafsheaths, with sheaths to 15 mm in diameter. Stem colour pale green and glossy. Commonly found in lowland and hill dipterocarp forests. Three varieties have been distinguished: var. insignis , var. longispinosus J. Dransf. and var. robustus J. Dransf.

Selected sources

19, 35, 46.