Calamus halconensis (PROSEA)

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Plant Resources of South-East Asia
List of species

Calamus halconensis (Becc.) BajaLapis var. dimorphacanthus Becc.

Family: Palmae


Calamus halconensis Becc.

Vernacular names

  • Philippines: lambutan (Tagalog).


The Philippines (Laguna, Mindoro).


Canes are used in making "bent wood"chair frames, as cables for ferry boats, for hauling logs, standingrigging on small sailing vessels, and sometimes to support short suspension bridges. Split canes are used for making mats, hats, baskets, chairs, various types of fish traps, and the bottoms and backs of canebottomed chairs.


Moderatesized rattan. Stem without leafsheaths to 20 mm in diameter, with sheaths to 30 mm in diameter. Leaves cirrate; leafsheaths armed with comblike, stiff spines; leaflets numerous, narrowlanceolate. Fruit ovoid to subovoid and with prominent beak. Endemic to the Philippines. Found in primary forest at 4501500 altitude.

Selected sources

2, 3, 8, 11, 22, 23, 26, 39, 48.