Calamus didymocarpus (PROSEA)

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Plant Resources of South-East Asia
List of species

Calamus didymocarpus Warb. ex Becc.

Family: Palmae

Vernacular names

  • Indonesia: nue waatang, tohiti siombo (central Sulawesi), lauro sura (southern Sulawesi).


Widespread in Sulawesi.


The cane is inferior but sold locally for making furniture.


Solitarygrowing rattan. Stem to 15 m long, without leafsheaths to 30 mm in diameter, with sheaths to 44 mm in diameter. Leaves cirrate, to 4 m long; cirrus to 2 m long. The bracts of the partial inflorescences spiny, unlike other species related to C. minahassae Becc. Found in lowland forests, near streams, on clay soils, up to 1100 m altitude.

Selected sources
