Calamus aruensis (PROSEA)

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Plant Resources of South-East Asia
List of species

Calamus aruensis Becc.

Family: Palmae

Vernacular names

  • Several names are recorded on herbarium sheets, but it is not known how reliable these are.


Aru Islands, New Guinea, Queensland (Australia).


The cane is of excellent quality


Sparsely clumped robust rattan. Stem without leafsheaths 1020 mm in diameter, with sheaths 2045 mm in diameter. Leaves cirrate, with few broad leaflets; leafsheaths unarmed. Fruit rounded, 812 mm in diameter. C. aruensis occurs in lowland rain forest, and is closely related to C. hollrungii Becc. and C. subinermis Becc.

Selected sources

4, 30, 31.