Calamus albus (PROSEA)
From PlantUse English
Introduction |
Calamus albus Pers.
- Family: Palmae
Vernacular names
- Indonesia: rotan putih, ue puti, uwe ahun tain (Ambon).
Moluccas (Ambon).
Possibly the cane is used locally for making furniture for domestic use.
Habit unknown. Stem with leafsheaths 47 mm in diameter, leafsheaths in upper portion of stem scarcely spiny. Leaves cirrate. Rumphius named it Palmijuncus albus ; he also presented a habit drawing. According to Heyne, C. albus is conspecific with C. rudentum Roxb. In fact, the proper identity of C. albus requires further taxonomic study. The form of the inflorescence is similar to the group of C. minahassae Becc.
Selected sources
4, 27, 47.