Bibliography of global inventories

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This list is limited to books with a broad scope: the whole world and vast groups of plants (all useful plants, or all food plants, or all crops).

  • Bois Désiré, 1927. Les plantes alimentaires chez tous les peuples et à travers les âges. I - Phanérogames légumières. Paris, Lechevalier. 593 p., ill.
  • Bois Désiré, 1928. Les plantes alimentaires chez tous les peuples et à travers les âges. II - Phanérogames fruitières. Paris, Lechevalier. 638 p., ill.
  • Bois Désiré, 1934. Les plantes alimentaires chez tous les peuples et à travers les âges. III - Plantes à épices, à aromates, à condiments. Paris, Lechevalier. 290 p., ill.
  • Bois Désiré, 1937. Les plantes alimentaires chez tous les peuples et à travers les âges. IV - Les plantes à boissons. Paris, Lechevalier. 602 p., ill.

This set of four books is still useful due to the fact that they contain many first hand data, coming from travellers, diplomats or missionaries of the beginning of the 20th century. Unfortunately, they cover only 'special crops', and not technical and field crops. Reprints are available.

  • Facciola Stephen, 1990. Cornucopia : a source book of edible plants. Vista (California), Kampong Publ. IX-676 p.
  • Hanelt P. & Institut für Pflanzengenetik und Kulturpflanzenforschung Gatersleben (eds.), 2001. Mansfeld's Encyclopedia of Agricultural and Horticultural Crops. 6 vols. 1st Engl. ed. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg, New York, etc. LXX+3645 pp.
  • Kunkel G., 1984. Plants for human consumption. An annotated checklist of the edible phanerogams and ferns. Koenigstein, Koeltz. XIV-393 p.
  • Perrot Emile, 1943-1944. Matières premières usuelles du monde végétal. Paris, Masson. 2 vol., 2344 p. Old book, but unsurpassed about the traditional uses of rarely published groups, such as exudates.
  • Podbielkowski Zbigniew, 1989. Słownik roślin użytkowych. Polski, łaciński, angielski, francuski, niemiecki, rosyjski. Wydanie VI. [Dictionary of useful plants. Polish, Latin, English, French, German, Russian. 4th ed.]. Warszawa, Państwowe Wydawnictwo Rolnicze i Leśne. 529 p. In Polish. Includes 1235 plants.
  • Sánchez-Monge Enrique, 1991. Flora agrícola. Madrid, Ministerio de Agricultura. 2 vol. 1294-678 p. This book in Spanish offers the interest of giving botanical descriptions and many popular names (although not hierarchized). It is moderately reliable anyway.
  • Schultze-Motel, J., (ed.), 1986. Rudolf Mansfelds Verzeichnis landwirtschaftlicher und gärtnerischer Kulturpflanzen (ohne Zierpflanzen). Berlin, Springer. 4 vol., XVI+1998 p., 241 ill. Second edition of Mansfeld.
  • Sturtevant Edward L., 1919. Sturtevant's notes on edible plants. Edited by U.P. Hedrick. Albany, J.B. Lyon. Reprint New-York, Dover, 1972. 686 p. This old book results from a compilation of sources which are mentioned, and so can be accessed. It is although very incomplete. It is available on Internet, under a 'modified' form and without the footnotes, in html on Henriette's Herbal, in pdf on SWSBM (think in scrolling down the page) and as a scanned book on Archive. All the book is now online on Pl@ntUse.
  • Tanaka Tyôzaburô, 1976. Tanaka's cyclopedia of edible plants of the world. Tokyo, Keigaku Pub. 924 p. Complete but succinct and with an excessive price.
  • Uphof J.C.Th., 1968. Dictionary of economic plants. ed. 2. Lehre, von J. Cramer. 591 p. Complete but succinct.
  • Usher George, 1974. A dictionary of plants used by man. London, Constable. 619 p.
  • Wiersema, John H., 1999. World Economic Plants - A Standard Reference. CRC Press. 749 p. Printed version extracted from GRIN.