Arenga (Sturtevant, 1919)

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Sturtevant, Notes on edible plants, 1919
Arenga (Sturtevant, 1919)

Arenga saccharifera Labill.


Tropical eastern Asia. This palm has been called the most useful of all palms. Griffith says, the young albumen preserved in sugar forms one of the well-known preserves of the Straits. Brandis says, the heart of the stem contains large quantities of sago, and the cut flower-stalks yield a sugary sap of which sugar and palm-wine are made. Graham says, at Bombay this palm affords tolerably good sago and the sap, palm-wine and sugar. Seemann says, the bud, or cabbage, is eaten. The sap, of which some three quarts a day are collected, furnishes toddy and from this toddy, jaggery sugar is prepared. The seed, freed from its noxious covering, is made into a sweetmeat by the Chinese. From the pith, a species of sago is prepared which, however, has a peculiar flavor.