Acanthophora muscoides (PROSEA)
Introduction |
Acanthophora muscoides (L.) Bory
- Protologue: In: Duperrey, Voy. monde, Crypt. 4: 156 (1828).
- Family: Rhodomelaceae
- Chromosome number: 2n= unknown
- Fucus muscoides L. (1753).
Vernacular names
- Philippines: culot (Ilocano).
Origin and geographic distribution
A. muscoides occurs throughout the tropics in the Atlantic Ocean (Caribbean, southern Atlantic Ocean), Indian Ocean (mainly in the western part), and Pacific Ocean (Japan, northern China, Taiwan, Melanesia). In South-East Asia it is found in northern Burma (Myanmar), Vietnam, Singapore, Indonesia (West Java), the Philippines and southern Papua New Guinea, and is always less frequent than A. spicifera (Vahl) Børgesen.
In the Philippines (Ilocos Norte) A. muscoides is hand-collected, dried and eaten cooked with other vegetables. In Thailand and Vietnam it has been listed as a potential economic alga.
Production and international trade
No statistical data are available on the production of A. muscoides from the wild for food or medicinal uses.
In a project on plant growth hormonal activities, aqueous extracts from fresh samples of A. muscoides in the Philippines contain the highest auxin-like activity as well as the highest cytokinin-like activity of all seaweed extracts tested. Fresh samples of A. muscoides contain per g approximately: auxin 9500 μg, cytokinin 17 800 μg and gibberellin 165 μg. However, aqueous extracts of A. muscoides have not yet been directly tested in field bio-assays. Residues of petroleum-ether soluble fractions of methanolic extracts of this alga show rather high activity against mosquito larvae. The alga contains lambda carrageenan.
- Thalli erect, up to 60 mm tall, cartilaginous, reddish to purple, attached by a flat, discoid holdfast.
- Branching alternate, branches fleshy, terete, up to 1 mm in diameter, covered with spinous outgrowths.
- In cross-section axial cells small, rounded, 90 μm in diameter, surrounded by 5 periaxial cells; medulla distinct, 2-3 cells thick; cortex composed of 2 layers of very small rounded cells; epidermal cells elongated, fibre-like.
- Life cycle diplo-haplontic and isomorphic.
- Tetrasporangia borne in spinous stichidial ramuli.
- Gametophytes dioecious; cystocarps on short branchlets, sessile, ovate to urn-shaped; spermatangial clusters disciform.
A. muscoides occurs on reefs, attached to sandy-coral or rocky substrates protected from strong wave action.
Propagation and planting
A. muscoides is not known in phycoculture.
A. muscoides is only hand-collected from natural populations for direct local use.
Handling after harvest
A. muscoides is sold and used fresh and/or sun-dried.
A. muscoides has potential for the production of fine chemicals and medical products.
- Cordero, P.A., 1977. Studies on Philippine marine red algae. Special Publication from the Seto Marine Biological Laboratory, series IV. Seto, Wakayama Prefecture, Japan. 258 pp.
- de Jong, Y.S.D.M., Hitipeuw, C. & Prud'homme van Reine, W.F., 1999. A taxonomic, phylogenetic and biogeographic study of the genus Acanthophora (Rhodomelaceae, Rhodophyta). Blumea 44: 217-249.
- Laserna, E.C., Veroy, R.L., Luistro, A.H. & Cajipe, G.J.B., 1981. Extracts from some red and brown seaweeds from the Philippines. Proceedings of the Xth International Seaweed Symposium, Göteborg, Sweden. Walter de Gruyter, Berlin, Germany. pp. 443-448.
- Montaño, N.E. & Tupas, L.M., 1990. Plant growth hormonal activities of aqueous extracts from Philippine seaweeds. SICEN (Seaweed Information Center) Leaflet 2: 1-5.
- Prabha Devi, Solimabi, W., D'Souza, L. & Kamat, S.Y., 1997. Toxic effects of coastal and marine plant extracts on mosquito larvae. Botanica Marina 40: 533-535.
Sources of illustration
Okamura, K., 1909. Icones of Japanese algae. Vol. 1. Okamura, K., Tokyo, Japan. Pl. 8 - fig. 8-10 (detail of vegetative apical part, sporophyte with tetrasporangia); Trono, G.C. & Ganzon-Fortes, E.T., 1980. An illustrated seaweed flora of Calatagan, Batangas, Philippines. University of the Philippines Marine Science Center & Filipinas Foundation, Manila, The Philippines. Fig. on p. 97 (habit, detail of vegetative apical part). Redrawn and adapted by P. Verheij-Hayes.
- H.P. Calumpong