Acacia muricata (PROSEA)
From PlantUse English
Introduction |
Acacia muricata (L.) Willd.
- Family: Leguminosae - Mimosoideae
Vernacular names
- Spineless acacia, ironwood (En).
Originates from the West Indies, introduced into many tropical countries.
An alternative to Leucaena leucocephala (Lamk) de Wit where the latter is affected by psyllids.
- Deciduous, small tree up to 10 m tall, stem diameter up to 15 cm, crown thin. Bark grey, smooth. Twigs light green, spineless.
- Leaves bipinnate, alternate; rachis 5-12.5 cm long, with cup-like glands at the bases of 4-6 pairs of secondary axes 7.5-12.5 cm long; leaflets about 12 pairs, obliquely broad-ovate, sides unequal, midrib near one edge, apex and base truncate to rounded.
- Flowers in spikes near the apex of twigs before leaves unfold, 6 mm long, fragrant; calyx and corolla light yellow, 5-lobed; stamens white, exserted.
- Pod linear, flat, elliptical-oblong, 12-16 mm long, 1-2 per spike, 6-12-seeded.
Wood hard, heavy, strong and durable. A. muricata is found in moist forest up to 330 m altitude.
Selected sources
- Harden, G.J. (Editor), 1987-1991. Flora of mainland New South Wales. 4 volumes. New South Wales University Press, Kensington, New South Wales, Australia.
- Jessop, J.P. & Toelken, H.R. (Editors), 1986. Flora of South Australia. 4th Edition. 4 volumes. South Australia Government Printing Division, Adelaide, Australia. 2248 pp.
- M.S.M. Sosef & L.J.G. van der Maesen