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<big>''[[Drypetes gerrardii]]'' Hutch.</big>
{{DISPLAYTITLE:''Drypetes gerrardii'' (PROTA)}}
[[File:Map Drypetes gerrardii.gif|thumb|distribution in Africa (wild)]]
[[File:Linedrawing Drypetes gerrardii.gif|thumb|1, tree habit; 2, branch with male flowers; 3, branch with fruit. Redrawn and adapted by Achmad Satiri Nurhaman]]
[[File:Drypetes gerrardii R LETOUZEY very dark.jpg|thumb|base of bole]]
[[File:Drypetes gerrardii F.Whinder - P.Gasson xs.jpg|thumb|wood in transverse section]]
[[File:Drypetes gerrardii F.Whinder - P.Gasson tls.jpg|thumb|wood in tangential section]]
[[File:Drypetes gerrardii F.Whinder - P.Gasson rls.jpg|thumb|wood in radial section]]
:Protologue: Dyer, Fl. cap. 5(2): 405 (1920).
== Synonyms ==
*''Drypetes battiscombei'' Hutch. (1924).
== Vernacular names ==
*Bastard white ironwood, forest ironwood, forest ironplum, hairy drypetes (En). *Kihambie (Sw).
== Origin and geographic distribution ==
== Description ==
*Evergreen, dioecious shrub or small to medium-sized tree up to 20(–35) m tall; bole branchless for up to 10 m, straight, up to 40(–50) cm in diameter, often fluted at base or with sharp buttresses; bark surface grey or greyish brown, usually smooth, sometimes flaking in rounded scales, inner bark yellowish white to orange with white flecks; crown dense and narrow with more or less horizontal branches; twigs drooping, greyish, finely hairy. *Leaves alternate, simple; stipules triangular, c. 1 mm long, soon caducous; petiole 3–10 mm long; blade ovate to rhombic-elliptical or lanceolate, 2–14(–17) cm × 1–7(–9) cm, cuneate to rounded and asymmetrical at base, acute to acuminate at apex, margins toothed to nearly entire, thin-leathery, yellowish hairy along midrib or nearly glabrous, pinnately veined with 5–9 pairs of lateral veins. *Flowers unisexual, regular, 4-merous; pedicel up to 4 mm long; sepals rounded, c. 3 mm in diameter, whitish yellow, densely yellowish hairy; petals absent; male flowers in an axillary few-flowered fascicle, with 4 stamens c. 3 mm long, disk 4-lobed; female flowers solitary, with shallowly cup-shaped disk, ovary superior, densely hairy, 2-celled, styles 2, free, reflexed, up to 1.5 mm long. *Fruit an obovoid to nearly globose, slightly 2-lobed, fleshy drupe 1–1.5 cm long, short-hairy, yellowish to reddish-orange when ripe, indehiscent, 1–2-seeded. *Seeds compressed-ovoid, c. 1 mm long, brownish with whitish streaks.
== Other botanical information ==
*Mineral inclusions: (136: prismatic crystals present); (137: prismatic crystals in upright and/or square ray cells); (138: prismatic crystals in procumbent ray cells).
{{right|(P. Mugabi, P.E. Gasson & E.A. Wheeler)}}
== Growth and development ==
== Author(s) ==
* E.A. Obeng , Forestry Research Institute of Ghana (FORIG), University P.O. Box 63, KNUST, Kumasi, Ghana
== Correct citation of this article ==
Obeng, E.A., 2011. '''Drypetes gerrardii''' Hutch. [Internet] Record from PROTA4U. Lemmens, R.H.M.J., Louppe, D. & Oteng-Amoako, A.A. (Editors). PROTA (Plant Resources of Tropical Africa / Ressources végétales de l’Afrique tropicale), Wageningen, Netherlands. <http://www.prota4u.org/search.asp>.