Amorphophallus (Sturtevant, 1919)

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Sturtevant, Notes on edible plants, 1919
Amorphophallus (Sturtevant, 1919)

Amorphophallus campanulatus

Amorphophallus campanulatus Blume. Aroideae (Araceae). AMORPHOPHALLUS. TELINGA POTATO. Tropical Asia. This plant is much cultivated, especially in the northern Circars, where it is highly esteemed for the wholesomeness and nourishing quality of its roots. The telinga potato is cooked in the manner of the yam and is also used for pickling. [1] When in flower, the odor exhaled is most overpowering, resembling that of carrion, and flies cover the club of the spadix with their eggs. The root is very acrid in a raw state; it is eaten either roasted or boiled. At the Society Islands the fruit is eaten as bread, when breadfruit is scarce and in the Fiji Islands is highly esteemed for its nutritive properties. [2]

  1. Drury, H. Useful Pls. Ind. 32. 1858.
  2. Seemann, B. Fl. Viti. 284. 1865-73.

Amorphophallus lyratus

Amorphophallus lyratus Kunth. East Indies. The roots are eaten by the natives and are thought to be very nutritious. They require, however, to be carefully boiled several times and to be dressed in a particular manner in order to divest them of a somewhat disagreeable taste. [1]

  1. Drury, H. Useful Pls. Ind. 56. 1858. (Arum lyratum Roxb.)