Canarium salomonense (PROSEA)
Introduction |
Canarium salomonense B.L. Burtt subsp. papuanum Leenh.
- Protologue: Blumea 8: 188, fig. 5f (1955).
Papua New Guinea.
The wood is reputed to be used as kedondong. In the Solomon Islands, subsp. salomonense is cultivated for its seeds.
A medium-sized to fairly large tree up to 40 m tall, bole up to 80 cm in diameter, usually buttressed, sometimes with stilt roots; stipules caducous, inserted on the petiole, auricle-shaped; leaves with 5-7 leaflets, leaflets abruptly shortly acuminate at apex, margin entire, glabrous, with 8-14 pairs of secondary veins; inflorescence terminal, male one laxly paniculate, female one more slender; male flowers 4-5.5 mm long, female flowers 10 mm long, stamens 6; fruit flattened ellipsoid, c. 35 mm × 23 mm × 15 mm, glabrous. C. salomonense subsp. papuanum occurs in rain forest up to 400 m altitude.
Selected sources
162, 366.