Shorea polysperma (PROSEA)

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Plant Resources of South-East Asia
List of species

Shorea polysperma (Blanco) Merr.

Protologue: Publ. Govt. Lab. Philipp. 27: 22 (1905).


  • Dipterocarpus polyspermus (Blanco) Blanco (1845),
  • Shorea warburgii Gilg (1894),
  • Shorea teysmanniana Foxw. non Dyer ex Brandis.

Vernacular names

  • Dark red Philippine mahogany (En)
  • Philippines: tangile (general), balagayan (Mangyan), malagiso (Tagalog).


Throughout the Philippines.


The wood is the most important red meranti timber of the Philippines and is especially used for furniture.


  • A large tree up to 50 m tall with bole branchless for 20-30 m and up to 200 cm in diameter, buttresses prominent.
  • Leaves elliptical, thinly leathery, 7.5-15 cm × 2.5-6.5 cm, with 9-12 pairs of secondary veins, lower surface glabrous.
  • Stamens 15, anthers subglobose with long, slender appendages, stylopodium indistinct.
  • Larger fruit calyx lobes up to 9 cm × 1.8 cm.

S. polysperma commonly occurs in hilly country in evergreen mixed dipterocarp forest up to 1500 m altitude. The density of the wood is 395-815 kg/m3 at 15% moisture content. See also the table on wood properties.

Selected sources

175, 258, 579, 674, 748.

Main genus page


M.S.M. Sosef (selection of species)