Schismatoglottis calyptrata (PROSEA)

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Plant Resources of South-East Asia
List of species

Schismatoglottis calyptrata (Roxburgh) Zollinger & Moritzi

Family: Araceae

Vernacular names

  • Indonesia: nyampon (Java), solempat (West Java), salimpur (Madura), daun kasisi (the Moluccas)
  • Philippines: alapayi (Tagalog), dalaw bakir (Ilocano), daliri (Bisaya)
  • Thailand: bon-khieo (southern)
  • Vietnam: môn dóc, doạn thiệt.


South-East Asia, from Burma to New Guinea, occasionally also cultivated.


In Java young leaves, inflorescences and stolons are eaten cooked. It is also used as an ornamental.


  • Erect stoloniferous herb, up to 1 m tall.
  • Leaf-blade ovate-oblong to hastate, in outline 10-25 cm × 5-15 cm, with transparent dots and close-set lateral nerves; petiole up to 60 cm long, sheathing in lower half.
  • Inflorescence solitary or fascicled, peduncle 5-7 cm long, spathe tubular inrolled, 4-7 cm long, spadix 3-5 cm long.

In moist, shady, preferably stony localities, up to 1600 m altitude. Can be propagated by planting pieces of stolon.

Selected sources

7, 44, 66.