Plant names in Swahili

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Swahili or Kiswahili is basically a Bantu language originating in coastal East Africa. It includes many loanwords from Arabic and Persian, and more recently from English. For a description, see Wikipedia.


Nominal classes

Assessing plant names in Swahili is a difficult task, because names belong to nominal classes which are distinguished by prefixes. The consequence is that the place in the alphabetical order of a dictionary depends on the choice of the lexicographer.

In Swahili, most plant names (trees or not) bear a name in the nominal class m/mi, whereas the fruit or product bears a name of the same radical, but in dans class ø/ma. Anyway, the singular form has to be restituted in order to find the name in a dictionary.

  plant name fruit or product name
singular: m- plural: mi- singular: ø plural: ma-
almond mlozi milozi lozi malozi
apple mtofaa mitofaa tofaa matofaa
aubergine mbiringani mibiringani biringani mabiringani
Bambara groundnut mnjugumawe minjugumawe njugu, njugumawe
banana mgomba migomba gomba1 magomba
baobab mbuyu mibuyu buyu2 mabuyu
cacao mkakao mikakao kakao
cloves mkarafuu mikarafuu karafuu
coconut mnazi minazi nazi
guava mpera mipera pera mapera
kapok msufi misufi sufi
lemon mlimau milimau limau malimau
lime mndimu, mdimu mindimu ndimu
maize mhindi mihindi hindi3 mahindi3
mango mwembe4 miembe embe maembe
nutmeg5 mkungumanga mikungumanga kungumanga makungumanga
orange mchungwa michungwa chungwa machungwa
papaya mpapai mipapai papai mapapai
peanut mnjugunyasa minjugunyasa njugu, karanga
Phaseolus vulgaris mharagwe miharagwe haragwe maharagwe
pineapple mnanasi minanasi nanasi mananasi
pumpkin mboga miboga boga maboga
ridged gourd mdodoki midodoki dodoki
tea mchai michai chai
Terminalia almond mkungu mikungu kungu makungu
flower ua maua
fruit tunda matunda
leaf jani majani
plant mmea mimea
spiny tree mwiba4 miiba
tree mti miti

(1) designates the banana fiber. The fruit is ndizi.

(2) fruit of the baobab. Other derivatives are kibuyu / vibuyu (diminutive class), baobab calabash used to gather water; ubuyu pulp used as a condiment.

(3) hindi is "a grain of maize". mahindi is "maize" as an uncountable material (e.g. in the sentence "I eat maize"). Other words designating uncountable material are in this class, and in the plural (mafuta, oil; maji, water; maziwa, milk).

(4) m- becomes mw- before a vowel.

(5) manga qualifies things of Arabic origin. It originally points to the Mascate area, in the Persian Gulf.

Other names designate both plant and fruit (or product): tomato nyanya; tobacco tumbako; sweet potato kiazi / viazi, potato kiazi (cha kizungu) / viazi (cha kizungu); cabbage kobishi; cotton pamba.