Litsea myristicaefolia (PROSEA)

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Plant Resources of South-East Asia
List of species

Litsea myristicaefolia (Wallich ex Nees) Hook.f.

Protologue: Fl. Brit. India 5: 168, 172 (1886).

Vernacular names

  • Nutmeg laurel (En)
  • Malaysia: medang bunga, medang hitam (Peninsular). Burma (Myanmar): pgu thyn try
  • Thailand: trit (Trang), takhrai (Chanthaburi).


Peninsular Burma (Myanmar), peninsular Thailand, Peninsular Malaysia and Singapore.


The wood is used as medang, e.g. for house building.


  • A medium-sized tree up to 27 m tall, bole up to 60 cm in diameter, with short buttresses up to 1 m high, bark surface smooth to scaly, lenticellate, grey-brown, inner bark reddish.
  • Leaves alternate or arranged spirally, 8-20 cm × 3.5-7 cm, blunt or rarely pointed, glabrous, midrib sunken above, with 7-10 pairs of secondary veins which are faint or sunken above, tertiary venation reticulate, inconspicuous on both surfaces, petiole 1.3-3 cm long.
  • Flowers in clustered umbellules on c. 1.5 cm long peduncles, with 6 tepals and 10-12 stamens.
  • Fruit globose, c. 1 cm across, the lower part covered by an obpyriform perianth cup.

L. myristicaefolia is fairly common in lowland to montane forest, up to 1200 m altitude. The density of the wood is 390-585 kg/m3at 15% moisture content.

Selected sources

78, 140, 245, 316, 529, 705.