Ibn al-‘Awwām: Book of agriculture

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Ibn al-‘Awwām is a Muslim agronomist of Sevilla (Al-Andaluz), who lived at the end of the XIIth century. For a biography, see Wikipedia.

His Book of agriculture is the most elaborated treatise of agronomy that the Arabo-Muslim world has given us. It was translated in Spanish (under the name of Abu Zacaria) and in French, but apparently in no other language.


  • Ibn al-‘Awwām (Abu Zacaria Iahia aben Mohamed ben Ahmed ebn el Awam, Sevillano). Kitab al-filaha. Libro de agricultura. Edition, translation to Spanish and notes by Josef Antonio Banqueri. Madrid, 1802. 2 vol.
  • Ibn al-‘Awwām (Abu Zacaria Iahia aben Mohamed ben Ahmed ebn el Awam, Sevillano). Kitab al-filaha. Libro de agricultura. Edition, translation to Spanish and notes by Josef Antonio Banqueri. Madrid, 1802. Reprint Madrid, Ministerio de Agricultura, Pesca y Alimentación, 1988. 2 vol., Estudio preliminar de Expiración García Sánchez y J. Esteban Hernández Bermejo. 46+698-756 p. This dition gives access to the Arabic text, which is not the case with Clément-Mullet.
  • Ibn al-‘Awwām, 1983-1984. Kitab al-filâha [Livre de l’agriculture]. Traduction française par J.J. Clément-Mullet, 1864-1867. 2 tomes en 3 vol. Reprint Tunis, Ed. Bouslama. Tome 1, éd. 2, 1984, 657 p. Tome 2, 1ère partie, 1983, 460 p. Tome 2, 2ème partie, 1983, 293 p.
  • Ibn al-‘Awwām, 2000. Livre de l’agriculture. Kitâb al-filâha. Traduction française par J.J. Clément-Mullet revue et corrigée. Introduction de Mohammed El Faïz. Arles, Actes Sud. 1051 p. The notes of Clément-Mullet have been "simplified" of bibliographical and philological details. No index has been added. This reduces considerably the interest of this edition.
  • García Sánchez Expiración y Hernández Bermejo J. Esteban, 1992. La figura de Ibn al-’Awwam y el significado de su “ Tratado de Agricultura ” dentro de la escuela agronómica andalusí. pp. 11-46. in Ibn al-‘Awwām (Abu Zacaria Iahia). Kitab al-filaha. Libro de agricultura. Reprint Madrid, Ministerio de Agricultura, Pesca y Alimentación. vol. 1. biblio.
  • On Internet : Ibn al-‘Awwām, 1864-1867. Kitab al-filâha [Livre de l’agriculture]. Traduction française par J.J. Clément-Mullet. 2 tomes en 3 vol. The version seems incomplete, as it begins with the "second part". GoogleBooks