Schefflera blancoi (PROSEA)

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Plant Resources of South-East Asia
List of species

Schefflera blancoi Merr.

Protologue: Philipp. Journ. Sci. 1, Suppl.: 109 (1906).


  • Cephaloschefflera blancoi (Merr.) Merr. (1923).

Vernacular names

  • Philippines: sainat (Filipino), abkal (Igorot), sagaba (Iloko).


The Philippines.


S. blanco is reputed to be used as a fish poison.


  • A large climber.
  • Leaves with 10 leaflets, petiole about 1/3 of the length of the leaf, leaflets lanceolate, entire.
  • Flowers in rounded umbellules, 4-6-merous, stigma sessile.

S. blancoi is commonly found on exposed ridges in mossy forests at 700-1500 m altitude.

Selected sources

  • [190] Brown, W.H., 1951-1957. Useful plants of the Philippines. Reprint of the 1941-1943 edition. 3 volumes. Technical Bulletin 10. Department of Agriculture and Natural Resources. Bureau of Printing, Manila, the Philippines. Vol. 1 (1951) 590 pp., Vol. 2 (1954) 513 pp., Vol. 3 (1957) 507 pp.
  • [935] Merrill, E.D., 1923-1926. An enumeration of Philippine flowering plants. 4 volumes. Bureau of Printing, Manila, the Philippines.

Main genus page


  • Nguyen Tap & M.S.M. Sosef