Eleocharis spiralis (PROSEA)

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Plant Resources of South-East Asia
List of species

Eleocharis spiralis (Rottb.) Roem. & Schult.

Family: Cyperaceae


Scirpus spiralis Rottb.

Vernacular names

  • Indonesia: boroslanang (Javanese, Indramayu).


From tropical Africa through Madagascar, Mauritius, Sri Lanka, southern India and South-East Asia to southern China, tropical Australia and New Caledonia. In Malesia apparently very rare, occurring in Peninsular Malaysia, West and Central Java, Madura, Borneo, the Philippines and New Guinea.


The stems are used for making mats in West Java (Indramayu).


A perennial herb, 25-60 cm tall, with short rhizome and creeping stolons. Stem erect, tufted, robust, triquetrous at least in the upper part, 2-4 mm wide, not transversely septate. Leaves reduced to bladeless, tubular sheaths which have a 4 mm long point at the apex. Inflorescence a terminal, ebracteate, single spikelet; spikelet cylindrical, 1.5-3.5 cm × 3-5 mm, densely many-flowered, yellowish; glumes firm, strikingly spirally arranged and closely packed, many-veined, the lowest 1-2 usually empty; flowers bisexual with perianth of 4-6 bristles, stamens 3, pistil with 2-3-fid style. Fruit a pale brown nut, turgidly biconvex, obovate, 1.5-1.7 mm × 1.7 mm, without ribbed margins or annular prominence at the apex, with about 20 vertical, not pitted lines on each side. E. spiralis is found in open wet locations, pools and swamps, often on clayish soils, at low altitudes and almost restricted to brackish or salt localities. It sometimes forms extensive, almost pure stands. In Java it flowers from March to September. E. spiralis is very near to E. mutata (L.) Roem. & Schult. from Central and South America and Africa and they are considered as one species by some.

Selected sources

6, 39, 47, 158.


M. Brink, P.C.M. Jansen & C.H. Bosch