Cyrtandra decurrens (PROSEA)

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Plant Resources of South-East Asia
List of species

Cyrtandra decurrens De Vriese

Family: Gesneriaceae

Vernacular names

  • Indonesia: daun laur, daun wawo (Ambon).


Indonesia (the Moluccas).


Used as a leafy vegetable in the Moluccas.


  • Herb, 30 cm tall with quadrangular, unbranched stem.
  • Leaves opposite, long petiolate, obovate.

In dark humid places. The species is hardly known. It is one of a group of closely allied species including C. bracheia B.L. Burtt, C. erectipila B.L. Burtt and C. subgrandis B.L. Burtt.

Selected sources

21, 44.