Acer pseudoplatanus

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Acer pseudoplatanus

alt=Description of None50x50.jpg picture.
Order [[]]
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2n =

Origin : area of origin

wild or cultivated

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Uses summary


Popular names




MOCK PLANE. SYCAMORE MAPLE. Europe and the Orient. In England, children suck the wings of the growing keys for the sake of obtaining the sweet exudation that is upon them[1]. In the western Highlands and some parts of the Continent, the sap is fermented into wine, the trees being first tapped when just coming into leaf[2]. From the sap, sugar may be made but not in remunerative quantities[3].

  1. Loudon, J. C. Arb. Frut. Brit. I:418. 1854.
  2. Johnson, C. P. Useful Pls. Gt. Brit. 63. 1862.
  3. Johns, C. A. Treas. Bot. I:8. 1870.
Sturtevant, Notes on edible plants, 1919.


