Help:Ethics and Intellectual property rights
Data published on this site are in a Creative Commons license, texts being in CC-BY-SA and images or videos preferently in CC-BY-SA, or also in CC-BY-NC-SA. In accordance, you must check that they are whether in the public domain (author dead more than 70 years ago), or duely authorised by their author (yourself or somebody else).
In addition, all data coming from local or indigenous communities should follow the code of ethics elaborated by the International Society of Ethnobiology (revised version of 2008).
A particular care should be given to the precise attribution of data (names and uses) to the population concerned, by mentioning its name, its language and dialect and its localisation. Although this is not always possible for previously published data, history of useful plants is an issue which exemplifies well the contribution of all the peoples of the world, past and present, in the elaboration of our common heritage.
Finally, we follow the rules governing the scientific community, the first one being mentioning the author and the precise source of any published information.
Data are reproduced as found in publications. They should in no way be interpreted as nutritional allegations or medical prescriptions.