Sonchus asper

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Sonchus asper (L.) Hill

alt=Description of 20131013Sonchus asper1.jpg picture.
Sonchus asper
Order Asterales
Family Asteraceae
Genus Sonchus

2n = 18

Origin : Europe, North Africa, Northern and Western Asia


English prickly sow thistle
French laiteron rude

Uses summary
  • young leaves eaten as salads (
    (less appreciated than Sonchus oleraceus)
  • eaten cooked as spinach
  • fodder plant : rabbits, sheep, horses
  • medicinal


  • annual herbaceous plant
  • simple and alternate leaves with oblanceolate blade, sinuate-toothed, pennatifid or often undivided and lanceolate. Pinnately lobed with wide triangular lobes to toothed, leaf base amplexicaul with two rounded and countoured large auricles
  • smooth involucre or a few glandular cilia
  • yellow capitulum with ray flower
  • smooth tufted achenes with a few cilia on the edges

Popular names

English prickly sow thistle, rough sow thistle, spiny sowthistle (PROTA)
French laiteron épineux, laiteron rude, laiteron piquant, lastron piquant (PROTA)
German raue Gänsedistel
Spanish cerraja
Portuguese serralha áspera, serralha preta, serralha espinhosa (PROTA)
Hindi दूधी - dudhi (Flowers of India)
Marathi mhatara (Flowers of India)
Manipuri খোমথোক্পী - khomthokpi (Flowers of India)
Indonesian delgiyu (javanais), camawak (sundanais) (PROSEA)
Thaï phakkat-hom (centre), phakkat-hangkai (sud) (PROSEA)


Sonchus asper (L.) Hill (1769)

basionym :

  • Sonchus oleraceus L. var. asper L. (1753)




Occasionally cultivated as a vegetable. Used like S. oleraceus.


