Palaquium kinabaluense (PROSEA)
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Introduction |
Palaquium kinabaluense P. v. Royen
- Protologue: Blumea 10: 475 (1960).
Borneo (Sarawak, Sabah).
The timber is used as nyatoh.
- A large tree up to 50 m tall, with straight bole up to 120 cm in diameter and high plank buttresses.
- Leaves more or less clustered at tip of twigs, obovate or slightly fiddle-shaped, with slender but distinct, transverse tertiary veins, initially sparsely hairy but glabrescent beneath.
- Flowers in 1-8-flowered clusters near apex of branches, borne on up to 4 mm long pedicels (up to 10 mm in fruit), cream-coloured.
- Fruit unknown in mature condition.
P. kinabaluense resembles P. macrocarpum , but it differs from the latter species in its larger leaves and stipules and glabrous anthers. This species is locally common in Sabah, in primary forest at medium altitudes (about 1000 m). The density of the timber is about 660 kg/m3 at 15% moisture content.
Selected sources
100, 743.
Main genus page
- R.H.M.J. Lemmens (selection of species)