B (Libya, Hammer et al., 1988)
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B (Libya, Hammer et al., 1988) |
Beta vulgaris L.
- Silig.
- A common leaf vegetable. As indicated by HAMMER and PERRINO (1985) the race is not the typical convar. cicla (L.) Alef. as it is known by the Europeans. But in other Arabic countries the same type can be found (HAMMER and SABIR 1987-Iraq). The var. rapacea Koch and the var. vulgaris (var. rubra DC.) are reported as vegetables cultivated on a small scale in T.
- T., F., C., K.?
- Coll.: Z 3 Al Mardūm, 11. 5. 82 (T.), Z 9 Samnū, 18. 5. 82 (F.), Z 14 Sabhā, 21. 5. 82 (F.), 7982 Az Zīghan, 25. 4. 83 (F.), 8038 Emkaten, 27. 4. 83 (F.), 8889 Gabrahon, l. 5. 83 (F.), 8920 Al 'Awaynāt, 26. 4. 83 (F.), 8953 Al Barkat, 27. 4. 83 (F.).
- Lit.: ASCHERSON 1881, TROTTER 1915, KEITH 1965, HAMMER and PERRINO 1985
Bixa orellana L.
- Once introduced for the production of red dye.
- T.
- Lit.: KEITH 1965
Boehmeria nivea (L.) Gaud.
- Introduced as a fibre crop.
- T.
- Lit.: KEITH 1965
Borago officinalis L.
- The identification of this species is doubtful.
- Lit.: KEITH 1965
Brachychiton populneum R. Brown
- Introduced as a fodder tree.
- T.
- Lit.: KEITH 1965
Brassica juncea (L.) Czern.
- Khardal.
- Only cited by KEITH (1965). The area of cultivation is not indicated.
Brassica napus L.
- This species is reported from F. and T. At least for F. it is confused with B. rapa. Occasional introductions to T. by the Italians cannot be excluded.
- Lit.: TROTTER 1915, KEITH 1965
Brassica nigra (L.) Koch
- Reported from one garden in Darna (C.).
- Lit.: TROTTER 1915, KEITH 1965
Brassica oleracea L.
- Crumm.
- The following races are reported from cultivation indicating also the locality: var. botrytis L. (T.), var. capitata L. (T., F., C.), var. gongylodes L. (T.), var. italica Plenck (T.), var. gemmifera DC. (T.).
- Lit.: ASCHERSON 1881, TROTTER 1915, KEITH 1965
Brassica rapa L. subsp. rapa (L.) Hartm.
- Lift, afran.
- A typical root vegetable of the oases.
- T., C., F., K.
- Coll.: 30 Samnü, 18. 5. 82 (F.), 49 Arraqabah, 19. 5. 82 (F.), 7929 Az Zighan, 25. 4. 83 (F.), 8037 Emkaten, 27. 4. 83 (F.), 8842 Jadu, 4. 5. 83 (T.), 8851 Awbâri, 28. 4. 83 (F.), 8880 Gabrahon, 1. 5. 83 (F.), 8917 Al'Awaynat, 26. 4. 83 (F.), 8929 Ghât, 27. 4. 83 (F.).
- Lit.: ASCHERSON 1881, KEITH 1965, HAMMER and PERRINO 1985
- The subsp. chinensis (L.) Hanelt is cited by KEITH (1965).