X-Z (Libya, Hammer et al., 1988)

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Libyan cultivated plants (Hammer, Lehmann & Perrino, 1988)
X-Z (Libya, Hammer et al., 1988)
Index of Libyan plant names


Xanthosoma sagittifolium (L.) Schott

  • Introduced as a tuber crop into T.
  • Lit.: KEITH 1965


Xanthosoma nigrum (Vell.) Mansf.

  • Introduced as a tuber crop into T.
  • Lit.: KEITH 1965

Zea mays L.

  • Dhurah, sudani.
  • Important cereal. Different varieties are grown. Typical landraces belong to convar. mays (flint corn).
  • T., C., F.
  • Coll.: 39 Al Abyad, 19. 5. 82 (F.), 54 Arraqabah, 19. 5. 82 (F.), 7989 Az Zīghan, 25. 4. 83
  • (F.), 7997 Murzuq, 26. 4. 83 (F.), 8813 Tmassah, 28. 4. 83 (F.), 8865 Al Fjij, 28. 4. 83 (F.),
  • 8871 Gabrahon, 1. 5. 83 (F.), 8900 Ghadāmis, 9. 5. 83 (F.), 8913 Al Qala, 26. 4. 83 (F.),
  • 8924 Al 'Awaynāt, 26. 4. 83 (F.), 8956 Al Barkat, 27. 4. 83 (F.), 8963 Al Feowt, 27. 4. 83
  • (F.), 8997 Awbāri, 28. 4. 83 (F.).
  • Lit.: ASCHERSON 1881, TROTTER 1915, KEITH 1965, HAMMER and PERRINO 1985

Zingiber officinale Roscoe

  • Zangabehl.
  • Cultivated as a spice plant.
  • T.
  • Lit.: KEITH 1965

Ziziphus jujuba Mill.

  • Ennab.
  • Fruit tree.
  • C., T.
  • Lit.: ASCHERSON 1881, TROTTER 1915, KEITH 1965

Ziziphus spina-christi (L.) Willd.

  • Ennab, segseg, korna.
  • Fruit tree, a spineless form is also cultivated.
  • F., T., C.
  • Lit.: ASCHERSON 1881, TROTTER 1915, KEITH 1965, HAMMER and PERRINO 1985