Terminalia laxiflora (Bekele-Tesemma, 2007)
Terminalia laxiflora (Bekele-Tesemma, 2007) |
Terminalia laxiflora Combretaceae Indigenous
Common names
- Agnuakgna: Pok
- Amargna: Baguri
- Mejengrgna: Jukul
- Oromugna: Debeka
- Sahogna: Baguwa
This tree grows in Moist Bereha and Kolla agroclimatic zones in Gojam, Gambella, Benishangul-Gumuz, Gondar and Ilubabor within altitude ranges 400-1,500 m, annual rainfall 1,400-2,000 mm.
Timber (house construction), utensils (for example pounding sticks), medicine (inner bark), bee forage.
A large tree to a height of up to 15 m and a diameter of about 1 m.
- BARK: brownish, often fissured longitudinally.
- LEAVES: simple, alternate, margin entire, large in size about 9 cm wide and 20 cm in length, dark green inside and creamy green underneath, leathery, leaf petiole with distinct joint to the stem, hairy, about 3 cm long, protruding single midrib.
- FLOWER: creamy white, conspicuous like flowers of Cordia africana.
- FRUIT: in pods, 10 – 20 cm.
Seedlings, Wildings
- Treatment: Remove pod.
- Storage: Can be stored if well dried and in insect-free containers.
Flowers in June to September and fruits in October to November.