User contributions
23 October 2023
19 June 2023
Stemona phyllantha (PROSEA)
Redirected page to Stemona tuberosa (PROSEA)
Stemona javanica (PROSEA)
Redirected page to Stemona tuberosa (PROSEA)
Stemona collinsiae (PROSEA)
Redirected page to Stemona tuberosa (PROSEA)
Stemona burkillii (PROSEA)
Redirected page to Stemona tuberosa (PROSEA)
Stemona australiana (PROSEA)
Redirected page to Stemona tuberosa (PROSEA)
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Stemona phyllantha
Created page with "{{Species page (seed plant) |image = None50x50.jpg |legend = |author = |order =Pandanales |family = Stemonaceae |genus = Stemona |nb chromosomes = 2n = |origin = area of or..."
Stemona javanica
Created page with "{{Species page (seed plant) |image = None50x50.jpg |legend = |author = |order =Pandanales |family = Stemonaceae |genus = Stemona |nb chromosomes = 2n = |origin = area of or..."
Stemona australiana
Created page with "{{Species page (seed plant) |image = None50x50.jpg |legend = |author = |order =Pandanales |family = Stemonaceae |genus = Stemona |nb chromosomes = 2n = |origin = area of or..."
Stemona curtisii
Created page with "{{Species page (seed plant) |image = None50x50.jpg |legend = |author = |order =Pandanales |family = Stemonaceae |genus = Stemona |nb chromosomes = 2n = |origin = area of or..."
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18 June 2023
Stemona burkillii
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Stemona collinsiae
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Stemona tuberosa
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Stemona tuberosa (PROSEA)
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Stachytarpheta jamaicensis
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Stachytarpheta jamaicensis (PROSEA)
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Sphaeranthus indicus
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Sphaeranthus indicus (PROSEA)
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Sphaeranthus africanus
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Sphaeranthus africanus (PROSEA)
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Sphaeranthus (PROSEA)
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16 June 2023
Soulamea amara
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Soulamea amara (PROSEA)
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Solidago virgaurea
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Solidago virgaurea (PROSEA)
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Sigesbeckia orientalis
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Sigesbeckia orientalis (PROSEA)
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Sida rhombifolia
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15 June 2023
Sida rhombifolia (PROSEA)
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Sida javensis
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Sida javensis (PROSEA)
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Sida cordifolia
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Sida cordifolia
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Sida cordifolia (PROSEA)
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Sida acuta
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Sida acuta (PROSEA)
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no edit summary
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Scoparia dulcis
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Scoparia dulcis (PROSEA)
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Scoparia dulcis (PROSEA)
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Scaevola taccada
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Scaevola taccada (PROSEA)
Other selected sources
Scaevola taccada (PROSEA)
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Scaevola taccada (PROSEA)
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