Shorea hypochra (PROSEA)
Introduction |
Shorea hypochra Hance
- Protologue: Journ. Bot. 14: 242 (1876).
- Shorea maritima Pierre (1886),
- Shorea crassifolia Ridley (1922).
Vernacular names
- Malaysia: meranti temak, temak bunga, terbak paya (Peninsular)
- Cambodia: kôki:(r) lu:ëng, kôki:(r) phno:ng, lum"-baô
- Thailand: bak hin (peninsular), phanong, phanong yuak (south-eastern)
- Vietnam: vên vên.
Indo-China towards Peninsular Malaysia and the Riau and Lingga Archipelago.
The timber is used as white meranti. A dammar of good quality ("damar temak") has been yielded on a commercial scale.
- A very large tree up to 60 m tall with bole branchless for 24-30 m and up to 165 cm in diameter.
- Leaves ovate to elliptical, 7-18 cm × 4.5-8 cm, thickly leathery, with 15-20 pairs of secondary veins, lower surface cream lepidote, petiole 2-4 cm long.
- Stamens 15, stylopodium absent.
- Larger fruit calyx lobes up to 17 cm × 2.6 cm.
S. hypochra occurs on flat and undulating land near the coast or in seasonal dipterocarp forest at low altitude. The density of the wood is 530-865 kg/m3 at 15% moisture content. See also the table on wood properties.
Selected sources
102, 141, 253, 258, 297, 417, 499, 628, 677, 748.
Main genus page
- M.S.M. Sosef (selection of species)