Piper lolot (PROSEA)
Introduction |
Piper lolot C. DC.
- Family: Piperaceae
Vernacular names
- Lolot pepper (En)
- Poivre lolot (Fr)
- Cambodia: chaphlu:
- Laos: 'i: lë:d
- Vietnam: lá lốt, tất bát
The leaves are used as a condiment. Medicinally the whole plant possesses anti-inflammatory and anodyne properties, e.g. used to cure skin diseases, rheumatism, headache, diarrhoea and toothache. For medicinal use whole plants, preferably in flower, are dried and stored.
Perennial creeper, ascending up to 40 cm; stem swollen at the nodes. Leaves broadly cordate with amplexicaul petiole and 5-7 main veins. Inflorescence an erect, axillary spike of unisexual flowers. Fruit a single-seeded berry. P. lolot is found in humid locations in forests and along streambanks. It flowers and fruits from August to October. All parts contain an essential oil.
Selected sources
- Crevost, C., Lemarié, C. & Pétélot, A., 1917-1941. Catalogue des produits de l'Indochine [Catalogue of the products of Indo-China]. 6 volumes. Gouvernement Général de l'Indochine, Hanoi, Vietnam.
- Nguyen Van Dan & Doan Thi Nhu (Editors), 1990. Medicinal plants in Vietnam. World Health Organization (WHO), Regional Publications, Western Pacific Series No 3. WHO, Regional Office for the Western Pacific, Manila, the Philippines and Institute of Materia Medica, Hanoi, Vietnam.