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Myriophyllum aquaticum (PROSEA)

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Plant Resources of South-East Asia
List of species

Myriophyllum aquaticum (J.M. da Conceicao Vellozo) Verdc.

Family: Haloragaceae


  • Myriophyllum brasiliense Cambess.

Vernacular names

  • Parrot's feather (En)
  • Indonesia: paris (West Java), gayanggang (South Kalimantan)
  • Thailand: sarai-yipun (Bangkok)
  • Vietnam: rong duôi chó.


Native to South America, but now cultivated and often naturalized worldwide, including South-East Asia.


Shoot tips are occasionally eaten in Java. It is cultivated in fish ponds as a cover or in pots as bonsai-like plant.


  • Floating or creeping aquatic perennial herb, 30-70 cm long.
  • Leaves in whorls of 5, in outline linear to elliptical, 2-4 cm × 0.5-1 cm, pinnately divided with 10-14 pairs of segments.

Fruits are not formed outside South America, but propagation is possible from plant fragments. In freshwater ditches, ponds or mud from 450-1400 m altitude. It sometimes grows abundantly and can obstruct waterways.

Selected sources

7, 85, 91.