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Lysimachia arvensis

Lysimachia arvensis

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2n =

Origin : area of origin

wild or cultivated

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Uses summary


Popular names





Anagallis arvensis Linn. Primulaceae. PIMPERNEL. POOR MAN'S WEATHERGLASS. SHEPHERD'S CLOCK. Europe and temperate Asia. Pimpernel, according to Fraas, [1] is eaten as greens in the Levant. Johnson [2] says it forms a part of salads in France and Germany. The flowers close at the approach of bad weather, hence the name, poor man's weatherglass.

  1. Pickering, C. Chron. Hist. Pls. 200. 1879.
  2. Johnson, C. P. Useful Pls. Gt. Brit. 212. 1862.



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