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Eucalyptus citriodora (Bekele-Tesemma, 2007)

Eucalyptus camaldulensis
Bekele-Tesemma, Useful trees and shrubs for Ethiopia, 2007
Eucalyptus citriodora (Bekele-Tesemma, 2007)
Eucalyptus globulus

Eucalyptus citriodora Myrtaceae Eastern Queensland (Australia)

Common names

  • English: Lemon gum, Spotted gum
  • Amargna: Shito bahir zaf


A tall tree that grows in a wide range of climates, and performs very well in Moist Kolla and in Moist and Wet Weyna Dega agroclimatic zones in Shoa and Harerge, 1,800–2,000 m.


Firewood, charcoal, timber, poles, bee forage, medicine (leaves), windbreak, essential oils (citronellal).


The tree may reach 40 m, with leafy and evergreen drooping foliage, the crown rounded.

  • BARK: Jigsaw patterned, with patches of grey, brown, yellow; older bark smooth grey‑white.
  • LEAVES: Very long and narrow, veins parallel to the edge.
  • FLOWERS: Smooth oval buds on stalks, white flowers in groups of 4 - 8.
  • FRUIT: Rather large, oblong cup‑shaped, about 1 cm across, in clusters.




Species is not a prolific seeder like other Eucalyptus spp. Germination rate 60–90 %. 110,000– 1,200,000 seed per kg.

  • Treatment: Not necessary. Mix with sand for more even sowing.
  • Storage: Seed can be stored.




The tree is easily identified by the strong scent of lemon oil in the leaves which perfumes the air, especially after rain. Young seedlings are susceptible to termite attack. Large branches are brittle and break off in high winds. It produces heavy wood from the straight trunk, but the timber is often attacked by borers (Lyctus spp.).