Canarium dichotomum (PROSEA)

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Plant Resources of South-East Asia
List of species

Canarium dichotomum (Blume) Miq.

Protologue: Fl. Ind. Bat. 1, 2: 648 (1859).


  • Canarium dichotomum var. lucidula Engl. (1883),
  • Canarium endertii H.J. Lam (1932).

Vernacular names

  • Indonesia: tuala-tuala (eastern central Sumatra), damar lang(Palembang, Sumatra), bangkukuk (south-eastern Kalimantan)
  • Malaysia: kedondong, ketio bukit (Sarawak), balajan (Sabah).


Sumatra and Borneo.


The wood is reputed to be used as kedondong.


  • A medium-sized tree up to 32 m tall, bole straight, up to 60 cm in diameter, with short buttresses up to 1.5 m high, bark surface minutely longitudinally fissured, greenish with yellowish spots, inner bark exuding a little reddish or black resin.
  • Stipules caducous or persistent, subulate to linear; leaves with 7-11(-17) leaflets, leaflets acuminate at apex with a blunt to acute acumen, margin entire, glabrous or sometimes densely appressed hairy below, with 9-18 pairs of secondary veins.
  • Inflorescence terminal, sometimes with additional axillary ones, paniculate.
  • Flowers 6-9(-12) mm long, stamens 6.
  • Fruit narrowly oblong and acute at both ends, trigonous in cross-section, 27-40 mm × 10-20 mm, glabrous.

C. dichotomum is found in primary or sometimes secondary forest in well-drained locations, up to 1000 m altitude. The density of the sapwood is 370-630 kg/m3at 15% moisture content.

Selected sources

77, 99, 162, 342, 366, 474.


M.S.M. Sosef (selection of species)

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