Introduction to PROSEA on Pl@ntUse
PROSEA was written during a long period, from 1989 to 2003. At the beginning, the main product was a set of books.
It was later put on the Internet at e-prosea, but only partially.
Its status was first a Foundation under Dutch law, then a Foundation under Indonesian law, and finally an Association under Indonesian law. Unfortunately, the network has been inactive for the last ten years, and e-prosea disappeared.
The duplication of PROSEA on Pl@ntUse, on behalf of PROW (Plant Resources of the World), has been done with permission of the PROSEA Association.
PROSEA was initiated in the frame of the bilateral cooperation between Indonesia and the Netherlands. The Indonesians argued the the only available encyclopedia on Indonesian useful plants was the book of Heyne, which was outdated and written in Dutch, a language that few Indonesians speak nowadays.
Due to the similarities of the Indonesian flora with that of all South-East Asia, it was soon felt that the best was to include all the region. As starting list of species and base of information, the editors could rely on several important books, namely :
- Brown, W.H., 1941-1943. Useful plants of the Philippines. 3 volumes. Department of Agriculture and Natural Resources. Technical Bulletin 10. Bureau of Printing, Manila, the Philippines. 1610 pp. (reprint, 1951-1957).
- Burkill, I.H., 1935. A dictionary of the economic products of the Malay Peninsula. 2 volumes. Crown Agents for the Colonies, London, United Kingdom. 2402 pp. (slightly revised reprint, 1966. 2 volumes. Ministry of Agriculture and Cooperatives, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. 2444 pp.).
- Heyne, K., 1927. De nuttige planten van Nederlandsch Indië [The useful plants of the Dutch East Indies]. 2nd edition, 3 volumes. Departement van Landbouw, Nijverheid en Handel in Nederlandsch Indië. 1953 pp. (3rd edition, 1950. van Hoeve, 's‑Gravenhage/Bandung, the Netherlands/Indonesia. 1660 pp.).
- Ochse, J.J. & Bakhuizen van den Brink, R.C., 1980. Vegetables of the Dutch East Indies. 3rd English edition (translation of "Indische groenten”, 1931). Asher & Co., Amsterdam, the Netherlands. pp. 760-770.
Improvements on Pl@ntUse
The uploading to Pl@ntUse is a long term task, as it involves a manual checking of all the pages, and integration of links to and from the species pages of Pl@ntUse (in English and French).
In particular, when several species are dealt within one genus treatment, a set of redirect pages is being created in order to find easily any species. Those species appear in the relevant categories and search facilities, which was not the case in the original e-prosea website.
The advent of the Unicode standard allows to write Vietnamese names with the correct diacritics. But it seems that the published books used different systems. The Fruits volume uses an approximate rendering of Vietnamese names which is impossible to correct.
Some transcoding errors may remain, as we can't read through all the text of all pages. You can correct such errors, only if they are simple coding errors.
Linedrawings are being uploaded into the pages. They were put in a different place in e-prosea.
Duplicated pages
Many species were treated in two different volumes.
- When the text is long, we reproduce the articles as published, distinguishing the pages by the addition of, e.g., (PROSEA Fruits) and (PROSEA Timbers).
- When the text is short in one of the pages, we merge it with the other text ; this is specified in the relevant discussion page.
- In some cases, a species has a page in a volume, but is only included in a genus statement of another volume. We then create the page, and add at the end of it "See also...".
List of PROSEA volumes
The project stopped before the Ornamentals and Fungi volumes could be produced. All the other use groups have been documented and published.
- PROSEA 1, 1989. Plant resources of South-East Asia. vol. 1. Pulses. ed. by L.J.G. van der Maesen & Sadikin Somaatmadja. Wageningen, PUDOC/PROSEA. (Bogor, PROSEA, 1992). 105 p.
- PROSEA 2, 1991. Plant resources of South-East Asia. vol. 2. Edible fruits and nuts. ed. by E.W.M. Verheij & R.E. Coronel. Wageningen, PUDOC/PROSEA. (Bogor, PROSEA, 1992). 447 p.
- PROSEA 3, 1991. Plant resources of South-East Asia. vol. 3. Dye and tannin-producing plants. ed. by R.H.M.J. Lemmens & N. Wulijarni-Soetjipto. Wageningen, PUDOC/PROSEA. 1991. (Bogor, PROSEA, 1992). 195 p.
- PROSEA 4, 1992. Plant resources of South-East Asia. vol. 4. Forages. ed. by L. ‘t Mannetje & R.M. Jones. Wageningen, PUDOC/PROSEA. (Bogor, PROSEA, 1992). 300 p.
- PROSEA 5 (1), 1993. Plant resources of South-East Asia. vol. 5 (1). Timber trees : major commercial timbers. ed. by I. Soerianegara & R.H.M.J. Lemmens. Wageningen, PUDOC/PROSEA. (Bogor, PROSEA, 1994). 610 p.
- PROSEA 5 (2), 1995. Plant resources of South-East Asia. vol. 5 (2). Timber trees : minor commercial timbers. ed. by R.H.M.J. Lemmens, I. Soerianegara & W.C. Wong. Leiden/Wageningen, Backhuys/PROSEA. (Bogor, PROSEA, 1995). 655 p.
- PROSEA 5 (3), 1998. Plant resources of South-East Asia. vol. 5 (2). Timber trees : minor commercial timbers. ed. by M.S.M. Sosef, L.T. Hong & S. Prawirohatmodjo. Leiden/Wageningen, Backhuys/PROSEA. (Bogor, PROSEA, 1998). 655 p.
- PROSEA 6, 1993. Plant resources of South-East Asia. vol. 6. Rattans. ed. by J. Dransfield & N. Manokaran. Wageningen, PUDOC/PROSEA, 1993. (Bogor, PROSEA, 1994). 137 p.
- PROSEA 7, 1995. Plant resources of South-East Asia. vol. 7. Bamboos. ed. by J. Dransfield & E.A. Widjaja. Leiden/Wageningen, Backhuys/PROSEA. (Bogor, PROSEA, 1995).189 p.
- PROSEA 8, 1993. Plant resources of South-East Asia. vol. 8. Vegetables. ed. by J.S. Siemonsma & Kasem Piluek. Wageningen, PUDOC/PROSEA. (Bogor, PROSEA, 1994). 412 p.
- PROSEA 9, 1996. Plant resources of South-East Asia. vol. 9. Plants yielding non-seed carbohydrates. ed. by M. Flach & F. Rumawas. Leiden/Wageningen, Backhuys/PROSEA. (Bogor, PROSEA, 1996). 237 p.
- PROSEA 10, 1996. Plant resources of South-East Asia. vol. 10. Cereals. ed. by G.J.H. Grubben & Soetjipto Partohardjono. Leiden/Wageningen, Backhuys/PROSEA. (Bogor, PROSEA, 1996). 199 p.
- PROSEA 11, 1997. Plant resources of South-East Asia. vol. 11. Auxiliary plants. ed. by Faridah I. Hanum & L.J.G. van der Maesen. Leiden/Wageningen, Backhuys/PROSEA. (Bogor, PROSEA, 1997). 389 p.
- PROSEA 12 (1), 1999. Plant resources of South-East Asia. vol. 12 (1). Medicinal and poisonous plants. ed. by L.S. de Padua, N. Bunyapraphatsara & R.H.M.J. Lemmens. Leiden/Wageningen, Backhuys/PROSEA. (Bogor, PROSEA, 1999). 711 p.
- PROSEA 12 (2), 2001. Plant resources of South-East Asia. vol. 12 (2). Medicinal and poisonous plants. ed. by J.L.C.H. van Valkenburg & N. Bunyapraphatsara. Leiden/Wageningen, Backhuys/PROSEA. 785 p.
- PROSEA 12 (3), 2002. Plant resources of South-East Asia. vol. 12 (1). Medicinal and poisonous plants. ed. by R.H.M.J. Lemmens & N. Bunyapraphatsara. Leiden/Wageningen, Backhuys/PROSEA. p.
- PROSEA 13, 1999. Plant resources of South-East Asia. vol. 13. Spices. ed. by C.C. de Guzman & J.S. Siemonsma. Leiden/Wageningen, Backhuys/PROSEA. (Bogor, PROSEA, 1999). 400 p.
- PROSEA 14, 2001. Plant resources of South-East Asia. vol. 14. Vegetable oils and fats. ed. by H.A.M. van der Vossen & B.E. Umali. Leiden/Wageningen, Backhuys/PROSEA. 231 p.
- PROSEA 15 (1), 2001. Plant resources of South-East Asia. vol. 15(1). Cryptogams: Algae. ed. by W.F. Prud'homme van Reine & G.C. Trono Jr. Leiden/Wageningen, Backhuys/PROSEA. 321 p.
- PROSEA 15 (2), 2003. Plant resources of South-East Asia. vol. 15(2). Cryptogams: Ferns and fern allies. ed. by W.P. de Winter & V.B. Amoroso. Leiden/Wageningen, Backhuys/PROSEA. 268 p.
- PROSEA 16, 2000. Plant resources of South-East Asia. vol. 16. Stimulants. ed. by H.A.M. van der Vossen & M. Wessel. Leiden/Wageningen, Backhuys/PROSEA. 203 p.
- PROSEA 17, 2003. Plant resources of South-East Asia. vol. 17. Fiber plants. ed. by M. Brink & R.P. Escobin. Leiden/Wageningen, Backhuys/PROSEA. 459 p.
- PROSEA 18, 2000. Plant resources of South-East Asia. vol. 18. Plants producing exudates. ed. by E. Boer & A.B. Ella. Leiden/Wageningen, Backhuys/PROSEA. 191 p.
- PROSEA 19, 1999. Plant resources of South-East Asia. vol. 19. Essential-oil plants. ed. by L.P.A. Oyen & Nguyen Xuan Dung. Leiden/Wageningen, Backhuys/PROSEA. (Bogor, PROSEA, 1999). 277 p.