Palaquium regina-montium (PROSEA)
Introduction |
- Protologue: Gard. Bull. Sing. 24: 9 (1969).
Vernacular names
- Malaysia: nyatoh gunong (Peninsular).
Peninsular Malaysia (Perak, Selangor, Pahang).
The timber is used as nyatoh.
A medium-sized tree up to 30 m tall, with columnar bole, sometimes slightly fluted or knobbly, up to 100 cm in diameter; leaves loosely clustered at tip of twigs, obovate (sometimes elliptical), with few, inconspicuous, transverse tertiary veins, velvety beneath; flowers in up to 6-flowered clusters, in some trees exclusively female, borne on c. 12 mm long pedicels; fruit obovoid, c. 2.5 cm long, initially sparsely hairy but glabrescent. P. regina-montium is locally very common in montane forest at 1000-1800 m altitude. The trees are deciduous, all individuals in a certain area shedding the leaves at the same time and flowering as the new leaves appear. The timber is fairly heavy, with a density of about 750 kg/m3at 15% moisture content.
Selected sources
779, 792.